Instagram Influencer Marketing
People in an organization (Instagram) buying center who affect the buying decision: they often help define specifications and also provide information for evaluating alternatives.
Technical Personnel is particularly important influencers.
Instagram Influencer Marketing is such an Influencer in the Business Buying Process that plays a role in the business purchase decision-making process. It includes the actual users of the product or service, those who make the buying decision, those who influence the buying decision, those who do the actual buying, and those who control buying information.
When suppliers offer very similar, business buyers have very little basis for strictly rational choice because they can meet with any supplier.

Major influencers on Business Buyer Behavior are:
Environmental, organizational, interpersonal and individual. Instagram is one of the major influencers as it serves groups of consumers with offers carefully tailored to their needs. The growth of Instagram and other carefully targeted direct media has raised fresh concerns about potential targeting interests. Instagram allows increasing the refinement of audiences and in turn, more precise targeting. It can reach masses of geographically dispersed buyers at a low cost per exposure and it enables the seller to repeat a message many times. Advertising on Instagram Influencer Marketing is very expressive-it allows the company to dramatize its products through the artful use of visuals, print, sound, and color. Instagram used to build up a long term image for a product such as (MacDonald’s Coca-cola, Fashion & makeup ads, etc.).On the other hand sales as when Big Bazaar advertises weekend special sales, discounts or memberships and many more.
Instagram influences public relations that is very believable. New stories, features, sponsorships, and events seem more real and believable to readers than ads do. Instagram can be an influencer indirect forms of marketing-direct mail and catalogs, online marketing, etc. But Direct marketing sends a specific message to that one person only. But through Instagram, it is immediate and customized. Business through Instagram is interactive, it allows dialogue between consumers and messages can be altered depending on the consumer’s response. Instagram Influencer Marketing is all about user ease.
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